
John Wylder

John is a retired renaissance man having worked as a banker, teacher, computer security professional, tour guide, author, and international sports judge.

John became interested in story telling when he and a couple of his cousins would sit outside in the summer listening Jean Shepherd on the radio.  Shep, of A Christmas Story fame, would tell tales of growing up in the fictionalized version of Hohman, Indiana.  From there John fell in love with storytelling. 

During his long business career, he was often asked to be the keynote speaker at meetings and he occasionally appeared on television shows as a spokesperson while working for various companies.   One of his peers once said “I may not always agree with what he says, but I always want to listen to him say it.”

Upon his retirement John set about trying to write a memoir and instead found his voice as a story teller.  He has won six Story Slams at The MOTH and recently won the Story Slam at the Florida Storytelling Festival. He is a member of the Portland Storytellers and has appeared as a featured teller in three of their shows.

His current project is a video memoir, Wyldstorytelling on Facebook.